
Matt's Cooking Corner: Crescent Roll French Toast

Few breakfast foods come close to my love of french toast. The only problem is, we hardly ever buy loaves of bread; so, French toast has sort of become a rare treat in our house. What we do always have on hand, however, is a can of Pillsbury crescent rolls. Well, Saturday morning, Matt had a stroke of genius and used the crescent rolls as the bread of the french toast. Let's just pause and give thanks a second. They were light, flaky, and irresistible.

Crescent Roll French Toast
1 can of crescent rolls. Bake until fully crisp, not quite burnt.
3 eggs
2/3 cup of heavy cream (It's ok, I won't tell)
1 T sugar
Dash or 2 of cinnamon- to your liking.
Whisk the eggs, cream, sugar, and cinnamon together until blended. Poke the rolls with a fork and soak the baked rolls in the egg mixture. Heat a frying pan with just enough olive oil to coat bottom of pan. Fry rolls 1-2 minutes per side until golden brown Top with powdered sugar and syrup.
*Best served with a side of bacon and a cup of Barnie's Santa's White Christmas coffee to cut the sweetness.

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