
Good Vibes

You know when an outfit is good when it puts you in a certain mood or makes you want to do something out of the ordinary! Today's outfit really made me feel like riding horses --something I haven't done since I was a little girl! I guess it's the legging pants paired with the boots!   I didn't go into my closet thinking,"I want to look equestrian today." It just sort of happened!  Love it when that happens!

Someone recently asked me how I know when an outfit is right. Now that I think more about it, I usually base my decision to wear an outfit whether or not it has a good vibe. Sometimes I'll look at my outfit and think, I feel a little like I'm going to a tea party,  like I could be on the cast of Jersey Shore, or like a schoolgirl. An outfit should always have a little vibe or mood. It could be as simple as a "reading a book in a coffee shop" vibe. This kind of outfit would make me feel sort of cozy and intellectual all day!  If you look in the mirror and don't feel like anything, you're just gonna feel blah all day! As long as I like my outfit's vibe and it fits the setting I'm wearing it to~ I wear it! Haha~does this make any sense? Hope that answers the question!

These pants are sooo comfortable! They are sort of like leggings, but since they have pockets, zipper, and a button, I feel like they can be worn as  pants. These shoes on the other hand may get returned. I love them, but they are ridiculously hard to get on. I also already have similar pairs of shoes that I sort of forgot about when I bought these, so they may get the "boot". Bah haha. What do you think? Are they keepers?

Outfit Details:
Pants: Target
Jacket: Simply Vera for Khols
Shirt: Abercrombie
Shoes: Steve Madden via Marshall's
Now if only I could find a horse to ride.......


  1. That coat is so fabulous girl. I love the color!

  2. Too cute...nice comfy and on trend :) Love the boots...i have a hard time with returns lol

  3. yep, a horse would be the perfect accessory!

    I'm liking the jacket you're wearing.


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